Disclaimer: All the things that I have discussed are best according to me. It might have some conflicts with the opinion of some other people. So, read the blog carefully.
Assumptions: I have written this blog for the students who are ready to invest only one year.
GATE preparation is a very beautiful journey to go on. You can go for it. But, same as the other exams it also deserves some sacrifices. So, if you are ready to do some necessary sacrifices then read the blog otherwise close the tab.
During a complete journey, you need to do only four things and these things will ensure your selections in any top college like IIT/NIT/IIIT. Those 4 things are:
- Complete the GATE syllabus, don't leave any topic.
- Solve previous year's questions at least 5-6 times during the whole journey.
- Write 25-30 full subject tests.
- Stay motivated, stay healthy.
GATE Syllabus: This step has its own significance because you can not solve all the previous years without acquiring appropriate knowledge. You can choose any method to complete subjects(my previous blogs will help you), but complete the subjects.
During the completion of the syllabus, you need to solve PYQ once and mark all the important questions. You can mark the questions that follow the below criteria:
- You were not able to solve it on the first attempt and also difficult.
- You should mark any one of the questions based on some concept asked in PYQ frequently.
- If have ic covering some concept that doesn't cover in lectures.
Duration: 7 months (March to September): Try to complete the gate syllabus and one round of PYQ up to September. This step contributes only 30% to the complete journey but you can't skip it.
Revision: Revision is the only thing that can help you to complete the process. It covers around 50% of the gate journey.
Duration: 2 months (October & November): You have to do the following things in this period.
- Revise complete GATE notes.
- Solve PYQ twice.
- Make short notes and update them regularly.
- Write two topic-wise or one subject test daily.
If you follow everything discussed above, I think you are ready to give the full subject test now.
Full syllabus test: This step contributes the rest of the 20%. It is the final step. Write full syllabus tests on alternate days. During this phase you need to do the following things:
- Write test on alternate days.
- Revise short notes daily and update them after the test.
- Analyze the test and revise the weak topics just after the test analysis.
- Solve PYQ twice, mostly preferred the marked and important questions.
Duration: 2 months (December & January)
Final step: February -- You have few days before the exam. Just revise short notes and marked PYQ. "Say No to discussion and any new topic". Don't need to get panic. If you are done with 25-30 full syllabus tests with proper analysis, just revise short notes only. It will be more than enough.
NOTE: To read my previous blogs on GATE preparation.
Click here
------ ALL THE BEST ------
Very good job , it's like a ray of light in dark👍